Serviciul Roman de Informatii


Field training exercise
04 May 2017

Exercitiu Tactico-Aplicativ 4 Mai 2017

Thursday, on May 4, 2017, the Romanian Intelligence Service, through the agency of the Covasna County Intelligence Directorate, in cooperation with the Covasna County Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie and SNPCT forces (represented by ISU Covasna, IPJ Covasna) carried out a field training exercise aimed at testing an “Emergency response plan in the event of a crisis generated by an attack on the Special Mail delivery vehicle during the delivery of classified mail".

The goal of the exercise was to verify the efficiency of the specific procedures used for the management of crises.

According to the law, the Romanian Intelligence Service is in charge of collecting, transporting, delivering and protecting, on the Romanian territory, the mail classified as state secret or confidential, as well as the official correspondence between public institutions and authorities, fully or partially state-owned enterprises and other public or private legal entities who own such information.

In line with the relevant legal provisions, the Romanian Intelligence Service, through its specialized unit, operates the System of Collection, Transport, Delivery and Protection of Classified Mail on the Romanian territory.